Janice Arenofsky
2 min readMay 8, 2021


I’m on Strike, and You Should Be Too

It’s a Big Lie

Yup. I’m still angry about that $500 bonus thing and the more I read about the people who got the money, the more convinced I am that this is a rotten deal.

They tell you not to be discouraged because you didn’t get it. Then they tell you that it’s all about good writing and not really the number of followers and claps. But those two factors don’t add up to good reasons. They’re just reasons, like something Trump might say. It’s Ev’s Big Lie.

You get to swallow that crap and before you know it you’re writing for nothing. Writers are told that we should never write on speculation. It’s degrading. But that’s just what most of us are doing on Medium. We’re writing on the speculation that we can attract thousands of followers and get thousands of claps. I don’t know how these people get thousands because some of them write badly. Perhaps the thousands and quality don’t correlate. Could be. The election and pandemic have taught me not to trust anyone, and I don’t trust all these followers — -thousands and thousands!

Anyway, that’s the Big Lie. That you will be rewarded if you just write well and consistently. I do and I still was not rewarded, not in claps and not in followers. The Big Lie is that you are writing on a platform that inspires fair treatment. Not so.

If you’re not on strike like me, you’ve bought into the Big Lie and you’re no better than a Trump wannabe. Think about it! You also have no back bone or you know something about Ev and Medium that I don’t. You think you have this platform figured out. Well, if you’re just an average person like me who happens to write well although I’m depressed half the time, you’ve been had. By Medium, by Ev, and by the The Big Lie.

See you on the strike line!



Janice Arenofsky

Humorist who aims to make it to the big leagues. So laugh like a hyena and pretend i’m Fran Leibowitz. What? You don’t know her. Get a life!