Janice Arenofsky
3 min readOct 13, 2021

To All My “Followers” Who Recently Discovered Me

I’ve been fascinated to learn that during the past six months or so that I’ve been off Medium, I’ve attracted a following that reads some of my past humor writing, but also likes to hear me bitch about the mean deal I’ve been getting from Medium regarding “payment.”

Payment is non-existent, at least regarding me, so it’s merely a philosophical abstraction. An algorithm that perhaps Medium shares with Facebook maven Mark Zuckerburg. What do they have in common? According to an esteemed whistleblower, Zuckerburg cares more about money, money, money, than morality. Sad but true.

Janice Arenofsky

Humorist who aims to make it to the big leagues. So laugh like a hyena and pretend i’m Fran Leibowitz. What? You don’t know her. Get a life!